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Wireless M-Bus to NB-IoT - Configuration Messages

Guide to the communication protocol of the wireless M-Bus to NB-IoT converters ACR-CV-101NI-W-D2 and ACR-CV-101NI-W433-D2.


This manual describes a use of the following Lua script Lua script which sets up a protocol to communicate with the ACRIOS NI-W-D converter and a server configured for this purpose. The system makes use of various payload messages (uplink and downlink) that enable both data gathering and device configuration.

First, we look at general principles used in this communication protocol, then there is an overview of uplink messages (device → server communication), then there is an overview of downlink messages (server → device communication) and finally there is a full example of communication between an ACR-CV unit and the server along with an explanation.


The communication between the device and the server is achieved with help of payload messages. The payload messages are sent in two directions.

  1. Uplink Message
  • This message type is sent from the converter to the server with the requested information.
  1. Downlink Message
  • This message type is sent from the server to the converter with specific commands.
Command ByteDescription
0xFFGather report (Legacy)
0xFEConfiguration acknowledge
0xFDW M-Bus IDs acknowledge
0xFBScanning done
0xFAStatus report
0xF9Bootloader request
0xF7Bootloader answer
0xF6W M-Bus IDs checksum
0xF4Gather report acked
0xF3Scanned unit with mode report
0xF2Status report extended
0xF1Error report
0xF0 0xFFBeacon report
0xF0 0xFESend once data
0xF0 0xFDSend once end of gathering
0xF0 0xFCSontex ID acknowledge
0xF0 0xFBSend Sontex frame
0xF0 0xFASend number of Sontex IDs
0xF0 0xF9Sontex scan finished
0xF0 0xF8Scan report with payload
0xF0 0xF7BUP key readout
0xF0 0x00Data report with ACRCOM
Command ByteDescription
0x01Send IDs
0x02Send config
0x03Request config
0x04Request scan
0x05Request IDs
0x06Request status
0x07Request reset
0x08Downlink send ack
0x09Specified Error Report
0x0AError Report
0x0BPlanned gathering
0x0CSet Sontex list of IDs
0x0DRequest Sontex ID checksum
0x0ERequest Sontex scan
0x0FRequest scan with payload
0x10Set Sensus BUP key
0x11Get Sensus BUP key

Communication Diagrams

This section outlines communication essential for various configurations such as ID readout, encryption keys in BUP mode, and other processes described further below. Every process is clearly depicted and explained through UML diagrams.


The primary purpose of downlink communication is remote configuration of the target device. Configuration messages are sent in response to specific messages received from the uplink device. Keep in mind that not all the messages qualify for a response. Downlink messages are only processed when they respond to the following uplink messages:

General Configuration

This diagram explains a configuration procedure following a beacon message.


If the device is not configured, it sends a 0xF4 0x01 gather report message. Without a filter of IDs set, the converter will automatically send an uplink every hour to open a receive window for a possible downlink.

Setting IDs

  1. Wireless M-Bus devices

Below is a diagram showing a process of Wireless M-Bus ID configuration.


  1. Sontex devices

Configuring Sontex devices involves scanning configured IDs, unlike with the usual Wireless M-Bus devices. This difference is caused by the need of these meters to receive a request for a specified meter ID , in other words, there is a need for active communication, rather than gathering frames passively sent by the meters (passive communication). The benefit of the extra scan in the configuration procedure is that the meter's availability is ensured.


Setting BUP Keys

This section covers the procedures for setting and retrieving BUP (Bubble Up Protocol) keys. Further explanation can be found in the diagrams below.

BUP is a communication protocol used by Sensus/Xylem water meters (MeiStream, iPerl). The communication is encrypted, and if the decryption key is provided, the ACR-CV device can verify the integrity of received frames. Without the decryption key, the ACR-CV cannot verify the integrity and checksum of received BUP messages. Therefore, the key is required.

Note that if an empty key is set, the default BUP Sensus key is used.

Set BUP Key

The following diagram showcases how the process of setting the BUP key works.


Get BUP Key

The following diagram showcases how the process of getting the BUP key works.


Gathering Modes

In addition to specific communication configurations, the Lua scripts available for this device allow for three different approaches to scheduled gathering:

  1. Multimode: This mode is managed by the server, this mode operates using the following Lua script. Once a configuration message is received from the server, the device enters scheduled gathering mode. It regularly sends beacon messages to maintain communication with the server. In response, the server calculates the necessary interval until the next gathering session and sends a scheduled gathering message back to the device, which then waits until the next gathering session.

multimode overview


  • You can set-up an exact list od IDs with help of Wireless M-Bus ID filter.
  • This way, the readout cycle can terminate sooner and does not send any unwanted meter data.


  • It is required to send the configuration from the server.
  1. SendOnce: This mode is manually configured directly in the following Lua script. This script works similarly to "Multimode" but does not require server for configuration:

    workdayOnly = true -- true for workdays only, false for all days
    numberOfDays = 3 -- the number of days/workdays since the end of month
    startHour = 10 -- an hour of the start of the readout
    randomizeSeconds = 7200 -- up to 7200s~2hrs of delayed start since startHour

sendonce overview


  • The Lua script contains the configuration itself, therefore there is no need for configuration from the server.
  • The device sends data from every meter in its range.


  • There is no option to configure Wireless M-Bus ID filter.
  • The readout cycle may take longer, because it scans for data from meter for an exactly specified amount of time.
  1. Periodic Wake-Up: This mode is used by default when no specific gathering schedule is configured. Both of the Lua scripts use a predefined interval to wake up periodically:

    pDaysDef = 7 -- days
    pHrsDef = 0 -- hours
    pMinsDef = 0 -- minutes

    In the meantime, the device sends beacon messages to maintain connectivity.

You can look at the following diagram for a simple representation of how the gathering modes differ.


Scheduled Gathering

The diagram below showcases how the device regularly sends beacon messages to maintain communication with the server. In response, the server calculates the necessary interval until the next gathering session and sends a "Planned gathering" message back to the device, which then waits until the next gathering session.


Passive Gathering

Passive gathering is often used by:

  • standard Wireless M-Bus devices
  • Apator Metra
  • Sensus
  • BUP and others


Active Gathering

Sontex devices, which are using protocol Radian, are among devices that use active gathering. This protocol requires query-response type of communication and for that reason it is called "Active".


In Active gathering, the 0xF4 report is sent with an empty list of IDs.

Combination of Both Active and Passive Gathering

Both Active and Passive types of gathering are combined in this case. The difference is that the device maintains two separate lists of IDs for Passive and Active gathering, and the devices using Passive gathering are processed first, while devices using the Active gathering are processed last. For further details, see the diagram below.


Scanning for Devices

There are two approaches to scanning: Passive and Active. Passive Wireless M-Bus devices send data frames periodically, whereas Active devices, such as Sontex, require a request before they transmit data. The diagrams below showcase the communication between the server and the device.

  1. Wireless M-Bus devices

    The unit scans for nearby W M-Bus IDs and sends its device ID, RSSI, and manufacturer ID to the server/backend. This feature is used for automatic allocation based on RSSI or general ID sniffing.


  1. Sontex devices

    Sontex devices require a request for a specific ID to receive a response; therefore, the list of IDs must be sent in combination with the scan command. See the section here and diagram below.


This section provides description for uplink messages that are the individual payloads sent by the converter to the server.

Data Report

This is a periodic report sent by the converter, where the first byte defines the local Wireless M-Bus ID followed by raw data from the Wireless M-Bus device.

Each device is limited to 240 local Wireless M-Bus IDs in range from 0 (0x00) to 127 (0xF0)

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x01Local W M-Bus ID[1B]1
0xXXRaw device data[xB]2

Gather Report (0xFF) (Legacy)

This command gathers report for number of devices (N). The report is sent after every scanning cycle and includes information about which ID was found and which was not.

Note that this command is marked as Legacy. It is used only in the older versions of the Lua script.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xFFCommand byte[1B]1
0x01ID1 was found[1B]2
0x01ID2 was found[1B]3
0x00ID3 was not found[1B]4
0x01ID4 was found[1B]5

0x01 = IDs received

0x00 = IDs not found

Configuration Acknowledgment (0xFE)

This message confirms that the configuration was successfull.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xFECommand byte[1B]1
0x78Time per entry [s][1B]2
0x00Gather time S mode [s][1B]3
0x00Gather time T/C mode [s][1B]4
0x00Wake up period [Days][1B]5
0x00Wake up period [Hours][1B]6
0x0FWake up period [minutes][1B]7
0x06Filter length[1B]8
0x0EConfig version[1B]9
0x1EGather time M mode [s][1B]10

Time per entry - This is a time in seconds for how long it took to scan for one ID. The total scan time is calculated by multiplying the time by the amount of IDs.

Gather time S, T, and M mode - This is a time in seconds defining for how long the device should receive the data in S, T, or M mode.

Filter length - This is the total number of device IDs stored in the memory of a device.

Config version - This is a number that increments with each new configuration (0 to 255).

W M-Bus IDs Acknowledgment (0xFD)

This message confirms configuration of the W M-Bus IDs.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xFDCommand byte[1B]1
0x03Filter length [= N][1B]2
0x90 0x82 0xCB 0x01Filter ID 1[4B]3-6
0x74 0x82 0xCB 0x01Filter ID 2[4B]7-10
0x75 0x82 0xCB 0x01Filter ID 3[4B]11-14
0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXXN x Filter ID X[N x 1B]N

The byte order of filter IDs (as seen in the example above) starts with LSB and ends with MSB (little endian). Here are some examples of IDs:

ID1 = 01 CB 82 90

ID2 = 01 CB 82 74

ID3 = 01 CB 82 75

Scanning Done (0xFB)

This report is sent after the scanning cycle is completed.

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xFBCommand byte[1B]1

Status Report (0xFA)

Status report contains signal strength, battery voltage and Lua script version that the device is currently using.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xFACommand byte[1B]1
0x0F 0x0B 0x0EStatus report[3B]2-4
0x33 0x2E 0x30Script version[3B]5-7

The status report contains 3 bytes. where:

  • 1st byte (0x0F) is a signal strength.
  • 2nd byte (0x0B) is the LSB of battery voltage.
  • 3rd byte (0x0E) is the MSB of battery voltage.

Bootloader Request (0xF9)

Note that the following example is split into multiple parts for better understanding, but otherwise it is sent in a form of a single frame.

Below is the first part of the frame, it contains bootloader specific command byte, bootloader version and bootloader request type.

These are the different bootloader request types:

  • BL_REQ_ALL - Contains the entire frame, including all three following parts:
    • NB-IoT
    • Chip IDs
    • CRC section
  • BL_REQ_NBIOT_IDS - contains only NB-IoT related part.
    • IMEI, IMSI, ICCID separated with 0x00 (can be be seen in the example below).
  • BL_REQ_CHIP_IDS - contains only chip information.
  • BL_REQ_SECTIONS_CRC - contains only CRC part of the frame.
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xF9Command byte[1B]1
0x06 0x06Version[2B]2-3
0x00BL request type[1B]4


Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x38 0x36 0x38 0x33 0x33 0x33 0x30 0x33 0x35 0x30 0x33 0x37 0x31 0x32 0x32IMEI (868333035037122)xB (ASCII)1-15
0x00Split by zero[1B]16
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x39 0x30 0x31 0x34 0x30 0x35 0x37 0x31 0x30 0x30 0x35 0x38 0x39 0x31 0x35IMSI (901405710058915)xB (ASCII)1-15
0x00Split by zero[1B]16
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x38 0x39 0x38 0x38 0x32 0x32 0x38 0x30 0x30 0x30 0x30 0x30 0x31 0x30 0x30 0x39 0x35 0x34 0x35 0x39ICCID (89882280000010095459)xB (ASCII)1-20
0x00Split by zero[1B]21

Chip IDs Section (BL_REQ_CHIP_IDS)

Payload Description
Chip EUI
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x5D 0x00 0x31 0x00 0x0D 0x50 0x42 0x59 0x37 0x39 0x38 0x20Chip EUI (0x203839375942500D0031005D)12B (little endian)1-12

Flash size in kB, Chip package, Chip ID & Rev

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00Flash size in kB (100 kB)4B (little endian)1-4
0x0A 0x00 0x00 0x00Chip package (10)4B (little endian)5-8
0x35 0x64 0x01 0x10Chip ID & Rev (REV Z, id 435)4B (little endian)9-12

Chip Package Types:

These numbers refer to commonly used chip package types.

  • 0 - LQFP64
  • 10 - UFQFPN48
  • 11 - LQFP48


These following bytes allow identification of commonly used revisions.

0x10016435 → 0x1001

((0x10016435 & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16)

  • 0x1000 - REV A
  • 0x1001 - REV Z
  • 0x2001 - REV Y

Chip ID:

These following bytes refer to commonly used chip IDs.

0x10016435 → 0x435

0x10016435 & 0xFFF

  • 0x435 = STM32L43xxx/STM32L44xxx
  • 0x462 = STM32L45xxx/STM32L46xxx
  • 0x464 = STM32L41xxx/STM32L42xxx


Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xF5 0x09CRC16 BL2B (little endian)1-2
0x5B 0x1BCRC16 Config2B (little endian)3-4
0x56 0x38CRC16 App2B (little endian)5-6
0x94 0x56CRC16 Lua2B (little endian)7-8
0x80 0x9ECRC16 Fragment2B (little endian)9-10

Bootloader Answer (0xF7)

This responds to a command given by a downlink sent from the server.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xF7Command byte[1B]1
0x44Bootloader command byte[1B] (ASCII)2

Bootloader Command Byte This command byte specifies the following data part, it can contain command bytes regarding writing/erasing pages and more.


Write Chunk To Scratchpad (W)

This command is used during a firmware update.

0x57Write Chunk To Scratchpad1B
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00Address4B
0x00 0x04Chunk Length Bytes2B
0x6CChunk CRC81B

Read Device EUI (M)

0x4DCommand Identifier1B
0x5D 0x00 0x31 0x00 0x0D 0x50 0x42 0x59 0x37 0x39 0x38 0x20Device EUI8B

Read IMEI (N)

0x4ECommand Identifier1B
0x38 0x36 0x38 0x33 0x33 0x33 0x30 0x33 0x35 0x30 0x33 0x37 0x31 0x32 0x32 0x00IMEI = 86833303503712216B (ASCII)

Clear Bootloader Timeout (L)

This procedure resets internal timout.

0x4CCommand Identifier1B

AT Commands Sequencer (A)

This allows executing of AT commands in the bootloader.

0x41Command Identifier1B
0xXXAT Answer (ASCII)xB

Get Pages CRC16 (C)

This calculates CRC16 of all pages (bootloader and application).

0x43Command Identifier1B
0xXXXXPages CRC16xB (2B per entry)

Firmware Pages Write Test (T)

This tests functionality of the pages.

0x54Command Identifier1B
0xXXFirmware Page Test ResultxB

Read IMSI (S)

This reads an IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity).

0x53Command Identifier1B
0x39 0x30 0x31 0x34 0x30 0x35 0x37 0x31 0x30 0x30 0x35 0x38 0x39 0x31 0x35IMSI (901405710058915)xB (ASCII)

Read Chunk From Scratchpad (R)

This command is used during a firmware update.

0x52Command Identifier1B
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00Address4B
0x00 0x04Chunk Length2B
0xXXChunk DataxB

Read Chip IDs (G)

0x47Command Identifier1B
0x5D 0x00 0x31 0x00 0x0D 0x50 0x42 0x59 0x37 0x39 0x38 0x20Chip EUI (0x203839375942500D0031005D)12B (little endian)
0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00Flash size in kB (100 kB)4B (little endian)
0x0A 0x00 0x00 0x00Chip package (10)4B (little endian)
0x35 0x64 0x01 0x10Chip ID & Rev (REV Z, id 435)4B (little endian)

Chip package types:

These numbers refer to commonly used chip package types.

  • 0 - LQFP64
  • 10 - UFQFPN48
  • 11 - LQFP48


These following bytes allow identification of commonly used revisions.

0x10016435 → 0x1001

((0x10016435 & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16)

  • 0x1000 - REV A
  • 0x1001 - REV Z
  • 0x2001 - REV Y

Chip ID:

These following bytes refer to commonly used chip IDs.

0x10016435 → 0x435

0x10016435 & 0xFFF

  • 0x435 = STM32L43xxx/STM32L44xxx
  • 0x462 = STM32L45xxx/STM32L46xxx
  • 0x464 = STM32L41xxx/STM32L42xxx

Try To Boot (K)

This command skips bootloader into application.

0x4BCommand Identifier1B

Erase Page At Address (D)

0x44Command Identifier1B
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00Address4B

Uncompress And Flash From Scratchpad (X, E, I, Y, U)

This command is used during a firmware update.

Note that you have to replace "X" with the specific command identifier (E, I, Y, U) for the respective commands.

0x58 / 0x45 / 0x49 / 0x59 / 0x55Command Identifier1B
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00Flash Address4B
0xXXAfter Decompression CRC81B
0xXXFlashing Error Code1B
0xXXFlash Driver Error Flags4B

Flash From QSPI (Q)

This executes an update from QSPI.

0x51Command Identifier1B

W M-Bus IDs Checksum (0xF6)

This message confirms the integrity of the transmission.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xF6Command byte[1B]1
0x03Filter length [= N][1B]2
0x91 0x82 0xCB 0x01Checksum[4B]3-6

The checksum is calculated with bitwise XOR:

RES1 = 0 ⊕ (ID1) => 0 ⊕ 0x01CB8290 = 0x01CB8290
RES2 = (RES1) ⊕ (ID2) => 0x01CB8290 ⊕ 0x01CB8274 = 0xE4
RES3 = (RES2) ⊕ (ID3) => 0xE4 ⊕ 0x01CB8275 = 0x01CB8291

RESN = (RESN-1) ⊕ (IDN)

The last calculated value is the checksum.

Gather Report Acknowledged (0xF4)

Gather report is sent at the end of data gathering.

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xF4Command byte1B1
0x31Relative counter (49)1B2
0xXXChecksum of W M-Bus IDs1B3

Note that the checksum byte is present only when the filter of Wireless M-Bus IDs is configured.

Scanned Unit With Mode Report (0xF3)

This provides information about individual devices.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xF3Command byte1B1
0x03Device type ID 11B2
0xAB 0xC1 0xFF 0x11ID 14B3-6
0x14 0x06Manufacturer ID 12B7-8
0xBB 0xFFRSSI ID 12B9-10
0x02Mode ID 11B11
0x03Device type ID 21B12
0xF7 0xC1 0xFF 0x11ID 24B13-16
0x14 0x06Manufacturer ID 22B17-18
0xA3 0xFFRSSI ID 22B19-20
0x02Mode ID 21B21

Device type - is given by a W M-Bus device manufacturer and can tell you whether hot or cold water is used, ITN, or other device types. Please consult the OMS Metering protocol for additional details.

Manufacturer ID - is given by a W M-Bus device manufacturer.

RSSI - is Received Signal Strength Indication. A higher number indicates higher signal strength.


  • 0x00 = S Mode
  • 0x01 = T/C Mode
  • 0x02 = M Mode - proprietary protocol. Reach out to us for the specification and closer information.
  • 0x03 = SENSUS434 - W M-Bus T-mode at 434.475 MHz, used by devices from Sensus.
  • 0x04 = BUP433 - proprietary protocol (433 MHz band version) from Sensus used at Meistream, iPerl, ...
  • 0x05 = BUP868 - proprietary protocol (868 MHz band version) from Sensus used at Meistream, iPerl, ...

Extended Status Report (0xF2)

Extended status report contains signal strength, battery voltage, IMEI and Lua script version that the device is currently using.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xF2Command byte1B1
0x32 0x2E 0x32Script version (1.1)3B (ASCII)2-4
0x00Zero terminatition1B5
0x0ESignal [CSQ units] (14)1B6
0x30 0x0EBattery voltage [mV] (3561 = 3.5V)2B (little endian)7-8
0x38 0x36 0x38 0x33 0x33 0x33 0x30 0x33 0x35 0x30 0x33 0x37 0x31 0x32 0x32 0x00IMEI = 86833303503712216B (ASCII)9-24

The following example can be interpreted as:

Lua script version → 0x332E32 → 3.2

Note that the Lua script version may exceed 3 bytes in size and it is terminated by a null character.

Signal → 0x0E → 14 CSQ units

Battery voltage → 0x0E30 → 3632 mV

Error Report (0xF1)

Error report is sent after the device restarts due to an error. It uses ASCII format.

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xF1Command byte1B1
0xXXASCII dataxBx

Beacon Report (0xF0 0xFF)

Beacon report provides information about device connectivity and some additional details.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xF0 0xFFCommand byte2B1-2
0x0DRelative counter1B3
0x04 0xA9 0x00 0x00Uptime in [sec]4B (little endian)5-8
0x04 0xA9 0x00 0x00Since last TAU [sec]4B (little endian)9-12
0xA7 0x19 0x86 0x0DLast gathering timestamp [sec]4B (little endian)13-16
0xA3 0x27 0x86 0x0DThis beacon timestamp [sec]4B (little endian)17-20

The following example can be interpreted as:

Uptime → 0x04A90000 → 43268 s

Since last TAU → 0x04A90000 → 43268 s

Last gathering timestamp → 0xA719860D → 226892199 + epochBase = 1678491399 => To UTC => 10/03/2023

This beacon timestamp → 0xA327860D → 226895779 + epochBase = 1678494979 => To UTC => 11/03/2023

epochBase = 1451602800-3600

The rest of the message contains data.

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x32 0x2E 0x32Script version (1.1)3B (ASCII)21-23
0x00Zero terminatition1B24
0x0ESignal [CSQ units] (14)1B25
0x30 0x0EBattery voltage [mV] (3561 = 3.5V)2B (little endian)26-27

The following example can be interpreted as:

Lua script version → 0x332E32 → 3.2

Note that the Lua script version may exceed 3 bytes in size and it is terminated by a null character.

Signal → 0x0E → 14 CSQ units

Battery voltage → 0x0E30 → 3632 mV

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x38 0x36 0x38 0x33 0x33 0x33 0x30 0x33 0x35 0x30 0x33 0x37 0x31 0x32 0x32 0x00IMEI = 86833303503712216B (ASCII)1-16

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x00Time Until Battery at 3250 mV [s]1B1
0x02 0x0D 0x06Firmware Version = 2.13.63B2-4
0x05 0x04 0x00 0x00Absolute Awake Time [s]4B5-8
0x5F 0xA0NB-IoT Local Area Code2B9-10
0x21 0x30 0x10 0x00NB-IoT Cell ID4B11-14
0x68 0x10 0x00 0x00NB-IoT Tracking Area Update (TAU, T3412)4B15-18
0x3E 0x00 0x00 0x00NB-IoT Active Timer (T3324)4B19-22
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00NB-IoT Module Last Sleep Failure Timestamp4B23-26
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00NB-IoT Module Sleep Failure Event Count4B27-30
0x03Device Reset Reason1B31
0x00 0x00 0x00Reserved bytes3B32-34
0x16CPU Temperature1B35

Time Until Battery

  • 0 seconds = the device did not had to wait before sending NB-IoT message.
  • Higher values mean weaker battery.

Absolute Awake Time

  • 0x00000405 = the device spent in total 1029 seconds awake gathering or sending data since boot.

NB-IoT Local Area Code

  • LAT = 0xA05F

NB-IoT Cell ID

  • Cell ID = 0x00103021

NB-IoT Tracking Area Update (TAU, T3412)

  • TAU = 4200 seconds (0x00001068)

NB-IoT Active Timer (T3324)

  • Active Time = 62 seconds (0x0000003E)

NB-IoT Module Last Sleep Failure Timestamp

  • since 1.1. 2016
  • 0 means event did not happen since boot

NB-IoT Module Sleep Failure Event Count

  • 0 means event did not happen since boot

Device Reset Reason

  • 0 = unknown
  • 1 = OBL
  • 2 = Pin
  • 3 = Brown Out
  • 4 = SFTRST
  • 5 = independent watchdog
  • 6 = window watchdog
  • 7 = LPWRRST
  • 8 = FWRST

Reserved bytes

  • should be 0x00

CPU Temperature

  • 0x16 = 22 degrees Celsius

Send Once Data (0xF0 0xFE)

This Lua script is identified by this message.

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xF0 0xFECommand byte2B1-2
0x..Raw W M-Bus dataxBx

Send Once End of Gathering (0xF0 0xFD)

This is a report sent at the end of gathering. Related to the script above.

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xF0 0xFDCommand byte2B1-2
0x01# of meters found (1)1B3
0x0ARelative counter (10)1B4

Sontex ID Acknowledge (0xF0 0xFC)

This message confirms the integrity of the transmission.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xF0 0xFCCommand byte2B1-2
0x03# of IDs (3)1B3
0xC5 0xED 0xAB 0x01Checksum4B4-7

The checksum is calculated with bitwise XOR:

RES1 = 0 ⊕ (ID1) => 0 ⊕ 0x01CB8290 = 0x01CB8290
RES2 = (RES1) ⊕ (ID2) => 0x01CB8290 ⊕ 0x01CB8274 = 0xE4
RES3 = (RES2) ⊕ (ID3) => 0xE4 ⊕ 0x01CB8275 = 0x01CB8291

RESN = (RESN-1) ⊕ (IDN)

The last calculated value is the checksum.

Send a Sontex Frame (0xF0 0xFB)

It sends raw Sontex data frame.

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xF0 0xFBCommand byte2B1-2
0x01Sontex ID (1)1B3
0x..Raw Sontex dataxBx

Send a Number of Sontex IDs (0xF0 0xFA)

It sends a number of received Sontex IDs.

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xF0 0xFACommand byte2B1-2
0x3CRelative counter (60)1B3
0x4E# of IDs received (78)1B4

Sontex Scan Finished (0xF0 0xF9)

This confirms that the scan is finished.

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xF0 0xF9Command byte2B1-2

Scan Report with a Payload (0xF0 0xF8)

This provides information about the unit and its payload.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xF0 0xF8Command byte2B1-2
0x03Device type ID 11B3
0xAB 0xC1 0xFF 0x11ID 14B4-7
0x14 0x06Manufacturer ID 12B8-9
0xBB 0xFFRSSI ID 12B10-11
0x02Mode ID 11B12
0x03N * Device type ID xN*1Bx
0xAB 0xC1 0xFF 0x11N * ID xN*4Bx
0x14 0x06N * Manufacturer ID xN*2Bx
0xBB 0xFFN * RSSI ID xN*2Bx
0x02N * Mode ID xN*1Bx
0x..N * PayloadN*xBx

N marks that the frame can contain more than one frame.

Device type - is given by a W M-Bus device manufacturer and can tell you whether it is hot or cold water, ITN, or other device types. For the description please check the OMS Metering protocol.

Manufacturer ID - is given by a W M-Bus device manufacturer.

RSSI - Received Signal Strength Indication. A higher number is better.


  • 0x00 = S Mode
  • 0x01 = T/C Mode
  • 0x02 = M Mode - proprietary protocol. Reach out to us for the specification and closer information.
  • 0x03 = SENSUS434 - W M-Bus T-mode at 434.475 MHz, used by devices from Sensus.
  • 0x04 = BUP433 - proprietary protocol (433 MHz band version) from Sensus used at Meistream, iPerl, ...
  • 0x05 = BUP868 - proprietary protocol (868 MHz band version) from Sensus used at Meistream, iPerl, ...

BUP Key Readout (0xF0 0xF7)

This reads out a Bubble Up Protocol key.

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xF0 0xF7Command byte2B1-2
0xXXBUP keyxB3-x

Data Report with ACRCOM (0xF0 0x00)

This is a periodic report sent by the converter but it containts ACRCOM at the beginning.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0xF0Command byte1B1
0x00ACRCOM start byte1B2
0xC3 0x00Data size2B3-4
0x3C 0xFFInverted data size2B5-6
0xC4 0x78CRC16 CCIT2B7
  • Data size - This information defines the size of Data section that follows ACRCOM header.

0xC3 0x00 → C3 = 195 - This means the header will be followed by 195 bytes of data.

Inverted data size - This is inverted hexadecimal value of Data size.

CRC16 CCIT - This is cyclic Redundancy Check using CCITT with initial value 0xFFFF and polynomial 0x1021.

This section provides description for downlink messages that are the individual payloads sent by the server to the converter.

The server side is used for the remote configuration of the converters within installations. By using the server-side for configuration over NB-IoT you can deploy out-of-the-box converters and configure them one by one after the deployment. Feel free to reach out if you are interested in using our server-side API tool.

The downlink commands are processed only as a response to these uplink commands:

New Filter Configuration (0x01)

This command is used to configure Wireless M-Bus filter IDs.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x01Command byte1B1
0x90 0x82 0xCB 0x01Filter ID 14B2-5
0x74 0x82 0xCB 0x01Filter ID 24B6-9
0x75 0x82 0xCB 0x01Filter ID 34B10-13
0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXXFilter ID XN x 4BN

The byte order of filter IDs (as seen in the example above) starts with LSB and ends with MSB (little endian). Here are some examples of IDs:

ID1 = 01 CB 82 90

ID2 = 01 CB 82 74

ID3 = 01 CB 82 75

Send a Configuration (0x02)

This command sends configuration to the device.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x02Command byte1B1
0x78Time per entry [s]1B2
0x00Gather time S mode [s]1B3
0x00Gather time T/C mode [s]1B4
0x00Wake up period [Days]1B5
0x00Wake up period [Hours]1B6
0x0FWake up period [minutes]1B7
0x1EGather time M mode [s]1B8
0x01Inter-frame timeout [s]1B9
0x30Beacon period [quarter]1B10

Time per entry - This is a time in seconds for how long it took to scan for one ID. The total scan time is calculated by multiplying the time by the amount of IDs.

Gather time S, T, and M mode - This is a time in seconds defining for how long the device should receive the data in S, T, or M mode.

Inter-frame timeout - This is a timeout between frames sent by the device. For example, the inter-frame timeout will trigger sending process after reaching given time limit during gathering.

Beacon period - This defines how many quarter-hours device sleeps before sending a beacon message (messages between gathering process).

Request the Configuration (0x03)

This command requests current device configuration.

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x03Command byte[1B]1

Request a W M-Bus Scan (0x04)

This command scans for W M-Bus devices.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x04Command byte1B1
0x02Scan minutes1B2


  • 0x00 = S Mode
  • 0x01 = T/C Mode
  • 0x02 = M Mode - proprietary protocol. Reach out to us for the specification and closer information.
  • 0x03 = SENSUS434 - W M-Bus T-mode at 434.475 MHz, used by devices from Sensus.
  • 0x04 = BUP433 - proprietary protocol (433 MHz band version) from Sensus used at Meistream, iPerl, ...
  • 0x05 = BUP868 - proprietary protocol (868 MHz band version) from Sensus used at Meistream, iPerl, ...

In case of using more than one mode, send the frame as follows:

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x04Command byte1B1
0x05Scan minutes S mode1B2
0x00S Mode1B3
0x05Scan minutes T/C mode1B4
0x01T/C Mode1B5
0x05Scan minutes M mode1B6
0x02M Mode1B7
0x05Scan minutes SENSUS434 mode1B8
0x03SENSUS434 Mode1B9
0x05Scan minutes BUP433 mode1B10
0x04BUP433 Mode1B11
0x05Scan minutes BUP868 mode1B12
0x05BUP868 Mode1B13

There is a possibility of disabling any unwanted modes by removing its corresponding bytes. If we were to remove T mode, following bytes need to be removed:

Scan minutes T/C mode - 0x05 and T/C Mode - 0x01

Device response should be frame 0xF8 (Scanned unit with mode report).

Request the IDs (0x05)

This command requests device IDs.

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x05Command byte[1B]1

Request a Status Report (0x06)

This command requests status report containing signal strength, battery voltage and Lua script version that the device is currently using.

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x06Command byte[1B]1

Request a Reset (0x07)

This command executes device reset. It begins with approximately several minutes long bootloader sequence and standard onStartup procedure follows.

For NB-IoT Wireless M-Bus Lua Script

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x07Command byte[1B]1

Any Other NB-IoT Device

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x43 0x4F 0x4E 0x46 0x49 0x47CONFIG in ASCII[6B]1-6
0xFECommand byte[1B]7

Note that this is an internal command evaluated at the C level and not in Lua, which means it can be used with any NB-IoT version of ACR-CV including NB-IoT Wireless M-Bus devices.

Acknowledge (0x08)

This is a server confirmation that the sent data was received.

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x08Command byte[1B]1

Specified Error Report (0x09)

This command allows user to request for a specific error report.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x09Command byte[1B]1
0x53 0x48 0x4F 0x52 0x54Type (ASCII)[5B]2-7

Type (as hexadecimal ASCII):

  • SHORT - This is a short description of Lua error (line, and single sentence).
  • TRACEBACK - This is a text traceback including global and local variables values (lzf-compressed).
  • STDOUT - This is the last 1024 bytes of stdout prints before the crash (lzf-compressed).
  • STDOUT_RAW - This is an "STDOUT" but uncompressed, printable.
  • TRACEBACK_RAW - This is a "TRACEBACK" but uncompressed, printable.
  • ALL - This is both TRACEBACK and STDOUT combined (lzf-compressed).

Error Report (0x0A)

This command allows user to request for an error report.

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x0ACommand byte[1B]1

Planned Gathering (0x0B)

This command configures data gathering.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x0BCommand byte1B1
0x01Time per entry [s]1B2
0x00Gather time S mode [s]1B3
0x00Gather time T/C mode [s]1B4
0x00Deferred start time def. [Days]1B5
0x01Deferred start time def. [Hours]1B6
0x14Deferred start time def. [minutes]1B7
0x00Gather time M mode [s]1B8
0x01Inter-frame timeout [s]1B9
0x02Deferred start1B10

Time per entry - This is a time in seconds for how long we scan for one ID. The total scan time is calculated by multiplying the time by the amount of IDs.

Gather time S, T, and M mode - This is a time in seconds defining for how long the device receives the data in S, T, or M mode.

Deferred start - If the deferred start is used, the device will go to sleep for defined amount of time (Deferred start time def.), depending on the byte used for Deferred start, the device can also update the Gather time (get curent systick values).


  • 1 - This mode puts device to sleep for a defined period of time.
  • 2 - This puts device to sleep for a defined period of time and updates gather time.
  • Any other value - This means that Deferred start is not used.

Inter-frame timeout - This is a timeout between frames sent by the device. For example the inter-frame timeout will trigger sending process after reaching given time limit during gathering.

Set a List of Sontex IDs (0x0C)

This command sets a list of Sontex IDs.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x0CCommand byte1B1
0x60 0xED 0xAB 0x01Sontex ID 14B2-5
0x61 0xED 0xAB 0x01Sontex ID 24B6-9
0xC4 0xEC 0xAB 0x01Sontex ID 34B10-13
0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXXSontex ID XN x 4BN

The byte order of Sontex IDs (as seen in the example above) starts with LSB and ends with MSB (little endian). Here are some examples of IDs:

ID1 = 01 AB ED 60 (hex) = 28044640 (dec)

ID2 = 01 AB ED 61 (hex) = 28044641 (dec)

ID3 = 01 AB ED C4 (hex) = 28044740 (dec)

Request a Sontex ID Checksum (0x0D)

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x0DCommand byte1B1

Request a Sontex Scan (0x0E)

This command requests a scan of a Sontex device, that requires an ID.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x0ECommand byte1B1
0xC0 0xEC 0xAB 0x01Sontex ID 14B2-5
0xC1 0xEC 0xAB 0x01Sontex ID 24B6-9
0xC7 0xEC 0xAB 0x01Sontex ID 34B10-13
0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0xXXSontex ID XN x 4BN

The byte order of Sontex IDs (mentioned in the example above) starts with LSB and ends with MSB (little endian). Here are some examples of IDs:

ID1 = 01 AB EC C0 (hex) = 28044480 (dec)

ID2 = 01 AB EC C1 (hex) = 28044481 (dec)

ID3 = 01 AB EC C7 (hex) = 28044487 (dec)

Request a Scan with a Payload (0x0F)

This command requests a scan of the W M-Bus device at specified mode. The result is a scan report with payload.

Payload Description
ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x0FCommand byte1B1
0x10Scan minutes [s]1B2
0x01W M-Bus mode [s]1B3


  • 0x00 = S Mode
  • 0x01 = T/C Mode
  • 0x02 = M Mode - proprietary protocol. Reach out to us for the specification and closer information.
  • 0x03 = SENSUS434 - W M-Bus T-mode at 434.475 MHz, used by devices from Sensus.
  • 0x04 = BUP433 - proprietary protocol (433 MHz band version) from Sensus used at Meistream, iPerl, ...
  • 0x05 = BUP868 - proprietary protocol (868 MHz band version) from Sensus used at Meistream, iPerl, ...

In case of using more than one mode, send the frame as follows:

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x04Command byte1B1
0x05Scan minutes S mode1B2
0x00S Mode1B3
0x05Scan minutes T/C mode1B4
0x01T/C Mode1B5
0x05Scan minutes M mode1B6
0x02M Mode1B7
0x05Scan minutes SENSUS434 mode1B8
0x03SENSUS434 Mode1B9
0x05Scan minutes BUP433 mode1B10
0x04BUP433 Mode1B11
0x05Scan minutes BUP868 mode1B12
0x05BUP868 Mode1B13

There is a possibility of disabling any unwanted modes by removing its corresponding bytes. If we were to remove T mode, following bytes need to be removed:

Scan minutes T/C mode - 0x05 and T/C Mode - 0x01

Device response should be frame 0xF8 (Scanned unit with mode report).

Set a Sensus BUP Key (0x10)

This command sets up a Bubble Up protocol key.

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x10Command byte1B1
0xXXBUP keyxB2-x

Here is an example of setting a Sensus BUP key:

This: 10 AA BB CC DD EE FF 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 00 command sets key to AA BB CC DD EE FF 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 00 and answer from the device will be F0 F7 AA BB CC DD EE FF 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 00.

Note that if the device receives only 10 command, it sets the key to its default value (passing nil value to decrypt function internally). The answer to this command should be only: F0 F7.

Get a Sensus BUP key (0x11)

This command gets up a Bubble Up protocol key.

ExampleDescriptionSizeByte Number
0x11Command byte1B1

Examples of Communication

This section showcases an example of communication between the ACR-CV unit and the server (ACRIOS Backend). The example is split into multiple sections for clarity, but follows the exact order of communication right from the first startup of the ACR-CV unit.

First, the device receives a configuration that was specified in the Backend for this unit.

Initial Configuration

First the bootloader message is sent from the unit:

F9 06 0E 00 38 36 38 33 33 33 30 33 35 30 33 37 30 39 38 00 39 30 31 34 30 35 37 31 30 30 35 38 39 31 35 00 38 39 38 38 32 32 38 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 39 35 34 35 39 00 5A 00 5B 00 0D 50 42 59 37 39 38 20 00 01 00 00 0B 00 00 00 35 64 01 10 9B B7 FE CE D0 6C 6B 1C E3 6D

To which theserver responds with a skip to application command:


The unit switches into the application section of the firmware and sends a beacon message:

F0 FF 01 01 6F 74 C1 0F 6F 74 C1 0F 79 74 C1 0F 79 74 C1 0F 31 35 2E 31 00 0E 03 0E 38 36 38 33 33 33 30 33 35 30 33 37 30 39 38 00 00 02 0D 0B 00 00 00 00 16 30 68 29 07 01 00 00 00 00 3E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 1A

The server responds with the configuration:

02 00 0A 0A 00 01 00 0A 0A 30

The unit sends a configuration acknowledged:

FE 00 0A 0A 00 01 00 00 02 0A 0A 00 00 00

To which the server follows with configuration of Wireless M-Bus IDs, which in this case is empty, but it is not needed, because the server has no knowledge of which meters are available to the unit.


The unit sends an empty Wireless M-Bus IDs checksum:

F6 00 00 00 00 00

After this, the server requests scan for Wireless M-Bus meters that are available for the specified unit.

Scanning for Meters

The unit wakes up and sends a beacon report:

F0 FF 02 00 3C 75 C1 0F 3C 75 C1 0F 79 74 C1 0F 46 75 C1 0F 31 35 2E 31 00 0D 15 0E 38 36 38 33 33 33 30 33 35 30 33 37 30 39 38 00 00 02 0D 0B 3C 00 00 00 16 30 68 29 07 01 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 19

The server request a scan for Wireless M-Bus meters:

04 14 00 14 01 14 02

The unit responds with a scanned unit with mode report:

F3 08 17 87 19 92 93 44 D7 FF 01 07 75 37 87 00 01 06 CD FF 01 07 75 37 87 00 01 06 D0 FF 01 08 17 87 19 92 93 44 D8 FF 01

The server sends an acknowledge:


The unit sends another scanned unit with mode report:

F3 07 91 90 EB 01 14 06 C8 FF 02 07 91 90 EB 01 14 06 CA FF 02

The server sends an acknowledge:


The unit sends a scanning done message:


Since there are still no Wireless M-Bus IDs configured, the unit cannot receive any data from the meters. Therefore the unit sends an empty gather report:

F4 04

Now that the server has received list of Wireless M-Bus IDs with their signal strength, it can evaluate the best match between the unit and Wireless M-Bus ID. Which means the server will assign the meter to the unit that received the data with the best signal strength. Then the configuration message is sent.

Configuration of Wireless M-Bus IDs

The unit wakes up and sends a beacon report:

F0 FF 05 00 41 9B C1 0F 41 9B C1 0F 14 92 C1 0F 4B 9B C1 0F 31 35 2E 31 00 0D 26 0E 38 36 38 33 33 33 30 33 35 30 33 37 30 39 38 00 00 02 0D 0B 3F 0F 00 00 16 30 68 29 07 01 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 17

The server responds with a configuration message:

02 00 0A 0A 00 01 00 0A 0A 30

To which the unit responds with a configuration acknowledged:

FE 00 0A 0A 00 01 00 00 03 0A 0A 00 00 00

The server follows with a Wireless M-Bus IDs message:

01 17 87 19 92 75 37 87 00 91 90 EB 01

And the unit responds with a checksum of Wireless M-Bus IDs:

F6 03 F3 20 75 93

Then the unit goes to sleep. When it wakes up, it sends a data report with ACRCOM:

F0 00 70 00 8F FF 71 91 01 6E 44 01 06 75 37 87 00 05 07 7A 11 00 60 85 0B A7 AE 3A 82 EC FF F1 A1 1E C4 5E D2 90 BA 8F 66 F4 90 AA 6B 4E 52 72 51 15 A3 20 BF 4C 50 D1 54 44 34 E5 65 BE CC 24 8B 25 02 11 B0 53 5A 66 05 25 6E F3 92 EA 4D 5F B6 27 FE 21 A4 FC E1 66 2D 87 1E 08 37 27 A4 E8 D4 A7 7F 3E C7 EA 63 A0 BF 15 33 50 F2 6B 34 DC AD 6A FF 5F 8A 39 A2 26

unit then it sends a gather report (which requires acknowledge):

F4 06 02

The server responds with an acknowledge:


In the next wake-up cycle, the unit receives data from other meter and sends a data report with ACRCOM:

F0 00 33 00 CC FF 85 25 00 31 44 93 44 17 87 19 92 34 08 7A D1 18 00 20 0B 6E 00 00 00 4B 6E 00 00 00 42 6C FF 2C CB 08 6E 00 00 00 C2 08 6C 1E 34 32 6C 69 2B 04 6D 15 0E 11 35

The unit sends a gather report (which requires an acknowledge):

F4 07 01

The server responds with an acknowledge:


In the following section is an example of a firmware update procedure, which is in fact same as the procedure for the Lua script update.

Firmware/Lua Update

The unit wakes up and sends a beacon report:

F0 FF 08 00 B3 AE C1 0F B3 AE C1 0F 36 AE C1 0F BC AE C1 0F 31 35 2E 31 00 13 13 0E 38 36 38 33 33 33 30 33 35 30 33 37 30 39 38 00 00 02 0D 0B 0D 10 00 00 4E 2F 5B 13 1F 06 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 17

To initiate the firmware/Lua update, the server sends a reset request:


The unit sends bootloader request, which is recognized by the server as a successfull reset:

F9 06 0E 00 38 36 38 33 33 33 30 33 35 30 33 37 30 39 38 00 39 30 31 34 30 35 37 31 30 30 35 38 39 31 35 00 38 39 38 38 32 32 38 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 39 35 34 35 39 00 5A 00 5B 00 0D 50 42 59 37 39 38 20 00 01 00 00 0B 00 00 00 35 64 01 10 9B B7 19 9A D0 6C 6B 1C E3 6D

The server follows with an instruction to erase defined page in the memory:

44 00 00 00 00

The unit responds with an acknowledge of erase defined page:

F7 44 00 00 00 00

The server sends the first "chunk" of data:

57 00 00 00 00 00 04 5A 56 01 53 90 60 00 1F 00 E8 03 08 07 B5 00 23 01 93 09 B1 FF F7 82 FF 00 20 03 B0 5D F8 04 FB 05 4A 00 23 D1 5C FF 29 0C 04 D1 01 33 08 2B F9 D1 02 48 70 47 00 20 03 04 90 72 FF 1F 60 20 03 1F F8 B5 1B 4B D3 E9 00 45 6B 1C 08 BF B4 F1 FF 3F 09 D0 18 4A D2 E9 00 32 5E 1C 42 F1 00 07 00 2F 06 08 BF 02 2E 02 D3 14 60 23 1F 47 F2 30 53 E0 18 4F F0 00 03 45 EB 03 01 00 23 8B 42 4E F6 60 22 08 BF 82 42 38 BF 00 24 02 F0 1F 99 FA 6F F0 13 03 98 42 B8 BF 18 46 08 4B 37 28 D3 F8 28 31 A8 BF 37 20 90 22 14 38 02 FB 00 30 08 20 44 F8 BD 28 70 FF 1F 30 20 03 00 20 20 03 1F F8 06 00 20 0B 4B 0C 4A 30 B5 1C 46 1D 78 FF 2D 05 D0 00 B1 04 60 09 B1 08 4B 0B 60 30 BD 01 33 14 93 42 F3 D1 08 B1 06 4B 03 60 00 29 F6 D0 05 4B F3 E7 00 BF A0 20 37 00 C0 20 03 00 B0 20 03 00 80 20 03 00 90 20 03 40 CF 1F 00 71 FF 1F 2D E9 F8 43 0F 46 04 46 11 46 38 46 15 46 06 F0 B3 FE 06 46 B0 B1 A1 46 A0 46 2D 1A 1F A8 EB 09 03 9D 42 44 46 01 DA 00 24 0C E0 22 78 3B 78 9A 42 08 F1 01 08 F2 D1 32 46 39 46 20 46 1A 21 F0 2F FA 00 28 EB D1 20 46 BD E8 F8 83 00 00 2D E9 F0 41 04 46 FE F7 99 FE 20 20 05 00 96 60 05 1F 93 FE 11 4E 09 25 04 F5 00 67 23 46 BB 42 03 D1 0E 4A 23 46 03 21 11 E0 53 F8 04 2B 01 32 F5 D0 04 0B 48 23 46 32 20 11 03 FF F7 5E F8 40 35 06 7B FE 01 3D E9 D1 07 20 25 12 01 21 BD E8 F0 41 03 48 FF F7 51 B8 00 BF 6C 20 03 08 5E 20 03 00 58 20 03 00 19 20 03 40 6B 0F 8C B0 03 A9 07 F0 74 FC 08 9B 03 B3 24 4D 2B 78 20 05 1F 4B 18 68 A0 F5 7F 50 3F 38 FF F7 B8 FF 2B 78 08 9E C3 B1 1F 4B 1C 68 A4 F5 7F 54 3F 3C 1D 4F DF 1C F8 70 80 2B 78 83 B3 D8 F8 00 30 A3 F5 7F 53 3F 3B BD F8 24 20 13 44 9C 42 06 D3 0C B0 20 6F 11 81 14 48 E1 E7 13 4C E9 E7 08 22 31 46 68 46 20 F0 A1 20 45 01 B3 B1 20 2F 1D 10 A1 F5 7F 51 3F 39 61 1A 08 22 68 46 FF F7 F3 FD FB F7 9F FD 21 46 DD E9 00 23 00 20 FB 20 0F 1A 08 36 FB F7 A8 FD 08 34 CE E7 39 46 EB E7 3B 46 D1 E7 10 09 00 20 7C 04 00 20 00 22 67 1F 30 B5 87 B0 0D 46 00 21 01 91 01 A9 FF F7 EA FD 01 9B 02 3B 01 93 05 93 19 4B D3 F8 24 31 05 F1 0C 80 04 01 33 04 93 C4 F3 0A 03 13 B9 20 20 5F 05 59 FF 4F F0 FF 32 20 03 09 33 CD E9 02 23 F8 35 FB F7 68 60 6D 00 02 20 6D 04 08 34 FB F7 BB 20 7F 15 71 FD A5 42 F2 D1 08 22 04 A9 0D EB 02 00 20 F0 4B FF FB F7 55 FD 40 23 01 29 46 40 93 00 A9 20 23 07 5F FD 07 B0 30 BD 00 BF 42 37 0B 2D E9 F7 4F 40 4D 41 4C DF F8 04 A1 20 03 1B B1 64 1B 04 EB D4 74 4F EA 64 09 64 10 48 BF 04 F2 FF 74 2E 46 E4 12 00 27 D0 46 9A 21 1F 04 00 2B 44 D0 DB 20 07 81 27 1F 9B 1B 03 EB D3 73 05 EB 63 03 9B 1B 48 BF 03 F2 FF 73 DB 12 9F 42 1E DB DF F8 BC A0 E4 02 00 27 00 98 20 29 04 00 2B 4E D0 DA 20 07 E0 0F 31 0C 23 F4 FF 63 23 F0 07 03 9F 42 19 DB 03 41 6D 00 8F 40 35 01 7B B1 20 65 00 00 81 B5 1F 80 1B 00 EB D0 70 40 10 05 EB C7 23 18 44 FF F7 D6 FE 01 37 B8 E7 48 46 F6 E7 23 46 C7 E7 07 EB 04 05 0B 08 22 59 61 97 05 D5 FE FB F7 DF FC 40 3F 01 93 B1 E0 07 73 01 59 10 41 95 01 59 44 41 03 0C 27 FD 08 37 FB F7 DC FC AE E7 49 46 F3 20 45 00 C0 23 0F 03 00 68 03 08 41 93 C1 9F 22 4B 02 4F 6B 4D 20 C9 1F 91 DF F8 C8 B1 87 B0 00 23 AD F8 04 30 AD F8 06 30 02 93 AB 68 4B 45 07 46 0E 46 90 46 CA 46 10

The unit responds with an acknowledged command and checksum of the received data:

F7 57 00 00 00 00 00 04 2B

Then the communication continues until all the data are transferred into the unit.


After enough data are stored in the unit, the server sends the command to decompress the data and flash into the memory:

58 00 60 00 00 7D

To which the unit responds with an acknowledged command and a checksum:

F7 58 00 80 01 00 94

This process repeats until the last page is written into the unit. Here is the checksum of the last flashed section:

F7 58 00 00 00 00 5A

The server then responds with a clear bootloader timeout command:


The unit sends an acknowledge:

F7 4C

The server requests a crc16 checksum of the pages:


The unit responds with the crc16 checksum of the pages:

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

As last the server sends a skip to application command:


After a restart and a firmware update, the device has sent an error report. If the first command F1 is removed, and the rest of hexadecimal data is converted to ASCII, the output should be a log from the ACR-CV unit.

Error Report

When the unit restarts, it can send an error report which can consist of multiple messages.

Note that the server does not respond with an acknowledge:

F1 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5F 52 41 57 2C 30 2D 31 31 39 3A E8 03 52 5D 3A 20 53 69 67 6E 61 6C 20 6C 65 76 65 6C 20 31 39 0D 0A 5B 20 20 20 20 20 33 30 38 37 5D 5B 4E 42 49 4F 54 5D 3A 20 49 4D 45 49 20 3D 20 27 38 36 38 33 33 33 30 33 35 30 33 37 30 39 38 27 0D 0A 5B 20 20 20 20 20 33 32 37 36 5D 5B 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5D 3A 20 54 58 3A 20 0D 0A 0D 0A 09 30 30 20 3A 20 46 30 20 46 46 20 30 38 20 30 30 20 42 33 20 41
F1 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5F 52 41 57 2C 31 32 30 2D 32 33 39 3A 45 20 43 31 20 30 46 20 42 33 20 41 45 20 43 31 20 30 46 20 33 36 20 41 45 20 43 31 20 30 46 20 0D 0A 09 31 30 20 3A 20 42 43 20 41 45 20 43 31 20 30 46 20 33 31 20 33 35 20 32 45 20 33 31 20 30 30 20 31 33 20 31 33 20 30 45 20 33 38 20 33 36 20 33 38 20 33 33 20 0D 0A 09 32 30 20 3A 20 33 33 20 33 33 20 33 30 20 33 33 20 33 35 20 33 30 20 33 33 20 33 37 20
F1 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5F 52 41 57 2C 32 34 30 2D 33 35 39 3A 33 30 20 33 39 20 33 38 20 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 32 20 30 44 20 30 42 20 0D 0A 09 33 30 20 3A 20 30 44 20 31 30 20 30 30 20 30 30 20 34 45 20 32 46 20 35 42 20 31 33 20 31 46 20 30 36 20 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 30 20 32 30 20 30 30 20 0D 0A 09 34 30 20 3A 20 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 33
F1 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5F 52 41 57 2C 33 36 30 2D 34 37 39 3A 20 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 30 20 31 37 20 0D 0A 5B 20 20 20 20 20 33 35 34 30 5D 5B 4E 42 49 4F 54 5D 3A 20 41 63 74 54 69 6D 65 72 20 28 54 33 33 32 34 29 3A 20 33 36 20 73 2C 20 54 41 55 54 69 6D 65 72 20 28 54 33 34 32 33 29 3A 20 30 20 73 2C 20 65 44 52 58 3A 20 30 20 6D 73 2C 20 50 54 57 3A 20 30 20 6D 73 2C 20 65 44 52 58 20 73 74 61 74 65 3A 20 30 0D 0A
F1 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5F 52 41 57 2C 34 38 30 2D 35 39 39 3A 5B 20 20 20 20 20 33 39 36 34 5D 5B 4E 42 49 4F 54 5D 3A 20 52 65 63 65 69 76 69 6E 67 2E 2E 2E 20 28 74 69 6D 65 6F 75 74 20 3D 20 33 35 30 30 30 6D 73 2C 20 6E 6F 6E 65 77 64 61 74 61 74 69 6D 65 6F 75 74 20 3D 20 33 30 30 30 6D 73 29 0D 0A 5B 20 20 20 20 31 35 31 33 37 5D 5B 4E 42 49 4F 54 5D 3A 20 52 65 63 65 69 76 65 64 20 31 20 62 79 74 65 73 0D 0A 5B
F1 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5F 52 41 57 2C 36 30 30 2D 37 31 39 3A 20 20 20 20 31 35 32 32 33 5D 5B 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5D 3A 20 52 58 3A 20 0D 0A 0D 0A 09 30 30 20 3A 20 30 37 20 0D 0A 5B 20 20 20 20 31 35 32 35 30 5D 5B 4C 55 41 5D 3A 20 4C 55 41 20 52 45 53 45 54 21 0D 0A 20 72 65 61 73 6F 6E 20 3D 09 62 75 74 74 6F 6E 20 0D 0A 5B 20 20 20 20 20 20 31 36 35 5D 5B 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5D 3A 20 55 70 74 69 6D 65 20 3D 09 32 36
F1 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5F 52 41 57 2C 37 32 30 2D 38 33 39 3A 34 33 35 31 34 31 30 09 73 65 63 20 0D 0A 5B 20 20 20 20 20 20 32 35 31 5D 5B 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5D 3A 20 73 65 72 69 61 6C 20 3D 09 63 6F 6E 6E 65 63 74 65 64 20 0D 0A 5B 20 20 20 20 20 20 33 30 37 5D 5B 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5D 3A 20 4E 42 2D 49 6F 54 20 3D 20 09 69 6E 61 63 74 69 76 65 20 0D 0A 5B 20 20 20 20 20 20 33 36 33 5D 5B 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5D 3A 20 74
F1 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5F 52 41 57 2C 38 34 30 2D 39 35 39 3A 69 6D 65 20 3D 09 32 30 32 34 09 35 09 31 37 09 31 34 09 35 37 09 30 20 0D 0A 5B 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 38 31 5D 5B 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5D 3A 20 42 45 41 43 4F 4E 09 32 36 34 33 34 36 34 34 33 09 32 36 34 33 35 31 34 32 30 20 0D 0A 5B 20 20 20 20 20 20 38 33 31 5D 5B 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5D 3A 20 09 20 2D 3E 20 09 53 31 20 6D 6F 64 65 20 0D 0A 5B 20 20 20 20 20 20
F1 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5F 52 41 57 2C 39 36 30 2D 31 30 30 32 3A 39 30 38 5D 5B 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5D 3A 20 6D 6F 64 65 20 3D 20 09 53 31 20 0D 0A 5B 20 20 20 20 20 33 30 35 33 5D 5B 4E 42 49 4F",
F1 53 54 44 4F 55 54 5F 52 41 57 2C 44 4F 4E 45
Converted from Hex to ASCII
[     3276][STDOUT]: TX: 
00 : F0 FF 08 00 B3 ASTDOUT_RAW,120-239:E C1 0F B3 AE C1 0F 36 AE C1 0F
10 : BC AE C1 0F 31 35 2E 31 00 13 13 0E 38 36 38 33
20 : 33 33 30 33 35 30 33 37 STDOUT_RAW,240-359:30 39 38 00 00 02 0D 0B
30 : 0D 10 00 00 4E 2F 5B 13 1F 06 00 00 00 00 20 00
40 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03STDOUT_RAW,360-479: 00 00 00 17
[ 3540][NBIOT]: ActTimer (T3324): 36 s, TAUTimer (T3423): 0 s, eDRX: 0 ms, PTW: 0 ms, eDRX state: 0
STDOUT_RAW,480-599:[ 3964][NBIOT]: Receiving... (timeout = 35000ms, nonewdatatimeout = 3000ms)
[ 15137][NBIOT]: Received 1 bytes
STDOUT_RAW,600-719:[ 15223][STDOUT]: RX:
00 : 07
[ 15250][LUA]: LUA RESET!
reason = button
[ 165][STDOUT]: Uptime = 26
STDOUT_RAW,720-839:4351410 sec
[ 251][STDOUT]: serial = connected
[ 307][STDOUT]: NB-IoT = inactive
[ 363][STDOUT]: tSTDOUT_RAW,840-959:ime = 2024 5 17 14 57 0
[ 581][STDOUT]: BEACON 264346443 264351420
[ 831][STDOUT]: -> S1 mode
[ STDOUT_RAW,960-1002:908][STDOUT]: mode = S1

Here is a case when Scheduled gathering is required by the server.

Scheduled gathering

The unit wakes up and sends a beacon report:

F0 FF 03 00 A3 10 00 00 A3 10 00 00 04 C2 C1 0F 94 C4 C1 0F 31 35 2E 31 00 10 1F 0E 38 36 38 33 33 33 30 33 35 30 33 37 30 39 38 00 00 02 0D 0B 36 00 00 00 4E 2F 5B 13 1F 06 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 17

The server responds with a scheduled gathering command:

0B 3C 0A 0A 00 00 0F 0A 0A 00

The unit waits for the specified time. Once it has awoken, it gathers data and sends a data report with ACRCOM:

F0 00 70 00 8F FF 82 10 01 6E 44 01 06 75 37 87 00 05 07 7A 86 00 60 85 9A 8E A9 D4 B3 77 B0 E8 EA 2E C2 1B A5 E7 ED 4D 9A 06 40 04 3C 21 4D 3B DB 1C B0 86 41 DB 9F EC 79 E1 5A C0 E9 A7 76 B3 E1 E7 5D 77 89 9D 6F 14 83 BC 04 E5 AC CD 82 C5 2A 92 C9 C2 D8 BA F6 F2 1E 13 29 9B 1A A4 01 1F 9A E2 51 34 C2 3B 78 D6 05 83 27 6B 6C 24 E3 CB E8 2D FF 05 DB 58 C7 89

To which the server sends anacknowledge:


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